Monday, October 27, 2008

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

From the Project Gutenberg EBook.
  • Percent of original: 1%
  • Summary: 651 words in 154 sentences
  • Original Document: 64.613 words in 6,760 sentences.

great-great-grandfather read it to his family, he turned up the
little volumes. My father's little library consisted chiefly of books in
old. In a little time I made great proficiency in the business, and became a
some little pieces; my brother, thinking it might turn to account,
little for dispute's sake. paper. time to practise it.

buying books. by myself with great ease. persuade men into measures that I have been from time to time engag'd
For, if you would
If you wish
"Men should be taught as if you taught them not,
under the door of the printing-house. whole life.

My friend Collins,

account. of being thought to have but little.


Keimer's printing-house, I found, consisted of an old shatter'd press,
ingenious young man, of excellent character, much respected in the
The governor
him at his printing-house. man's estate. business. best men in the world.

I balanc'd some time between
I had a great
sensible young man, of great integrity; the others rather more lax in
When the time of our meeting
little laught at.

future time was still named. printed a small number. greater printing-house. London.

expected in having a man lodge in the house. times of Charles the Second. working at our business. seem'd to have a great deal of business.

little time, expert at selling. printing-house, continu'd the quarrel, high words pass'd on both sides,
"My time," says he, "will
at the other printing-house. time before. province. friend or two for company. was a little neglected. little knavish withal.

my life. Though purblind man
printing-house. conversation.


sensible man.

business to us. shop business.

follow'd the business.

books, etc. printing-house. In the mean time,
sell his printing house to satisfy his creditors. printing-house with him. glazier's business, tho' he worked little, being always absorbed in his
In the mean time, that
company. to pay. "Some time since there fell into my hands, to my great joy, about
Life is
public friend's journals. minds. man's private power, will be invaluable! man. human life?

nature, virtue, thought and habit. thinking well of England. men. dearest sir, etc., etc.,

little fund we began. notes to pay double the value if not duly returned. provinces. countries.

project. the public assemblies. your business have its time.

Justice, etc., etc. virtues. 9 } Work.
10 }
11 }

3 } Work.
4 }
5 }

The man came every
I did, indeed, from time to time, put

little paper, accidentally preserv'd, viz.:

from time to time, on pieces of paper, such thoughts as occurr'd to me
one man of tolerable abilities may work great changes, and accomplish
great affairs among mankind, if he first forms a good plan, and,

country. reading only. the printing business. time as they happened.

Assembly. great friends, and our friendship continued to his death. service.

provinces. mentioned. A young
candid to allow a little time for their appearing.

time to time He has been pleased to afford us farther light, and our
purpose. manner.

poor children. Assembly. business? a time well executed. the Assembly. was a great improvement. done in a little time. postmaster-general in England. The House approv'd the
projects. street. [13] My acts in Morris's time, military, etc.--[Marg. note.]

Governor Morris.

well receiv'd. waggon. of each waggon and team, or horse, at the time of contracting, if
time, as it shall be demanded. "Friends and Countrymen,

the king's money.

The king's business must
friend and well-wisher, B. FRANKLIN."

The general,
the people if they remonstrated. thought it?" pay. right if they suffered the governor to amend their money-bills. great effect.

I undertook this military business, tho' I
great despatch was made. etc. young woman. this time accepted. attended, and gave great satisfaction; and after some time he went

time) for fall goods! Returned! is so great a writer? General Shirley,
unacquainted with military business. the Assembly's.

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