Saturday, September 13, 2008

Book 01 Genesis

Original is from the Project Gutenberg Edition of the King James Bible. 65 more to go.

Autosummarized to 1%.


art thou?

Hast thou

01:003:017 And unto
Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the
dust thou art, and unto
dust shalt thou return.




had done
unto him.

be unto his brethren.


01:012:007 And the
LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will
who appeared unto


done unto me? thy way.






son in
thou hast
magnified thy mercy, which thou hast shewed unto me

done unto us? thou hast
born unto him.

born unto Abraham, mocking.

Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in
Hagar? unto thy brother Nahor;

thy dead.

a wife unto my son

son again unto the land from whence thou camest?

a wife
unto my son from thence.


unto my master.

out unto the man, unto the well.


thee; for unto thee, and
unto thy seed, I will give all these
Abraham thy father;

unto this day.

son, and said unto him, My son: and he said unto him,
thy father speak unto Esau thy brother, saying,


younger son:

blesseth thee.

I am thy son, thy
firstborn Esau.

father? brother Jacob.

the tenth unto thee.

in unto her.

second son.


them not unto
Laban's cattle.

said unto thee, do.

father Isaac.

returned unto his place.

father Isaac, the LORD which saidst
unto me, Return unto thy
children unto Leah, and unto Rachel, and unto the
unto thyself.

lord unto Seir.

unto us:

sons of


peaceably unto him.



Hebrew servant, which thou hast brought unto us, came in unto
restore thee unto thy place: and thou shalt deliver Pharaoh's
than thou.

bare unto him.

done unto us?

01:042:029 And they came
unto Jacob their father unto the land of Canaan,
thee food:

ye spake unto me? son.




known unto his brethren.

unto me, tarry not:

near unto
me, thou, and thy children, and thy children's
Canaan unto Jacob their

bare unto him.

them unto Pharaoh.

brethren are
come unto thee:

land? lands.

unto thee in the land of Egypt
before I came unto thee into
long unto this day,

hearken unto Israel
your father.

unto tribute.

spake unto him.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

John McCain, Republican National Convention address

Full remarks from CBS News. Autosummarized to 10%.

No country ever had a greater cause than that. I'm very proud to have introduced
our next Vice President to the country. I don't work for a party. I don't work
for a special interest. I don't work for myself. I work for you.

fought corruption, and it didn't matter if the culprits were Democrats or
Republicans. I've fought to get million dollar checks out of our elections. I've
fought lobbyists who stole from Indian tribes. I fought crooked deals in the
Pentagon. I fought tobacco companies and trial lawyers, drug companies and union

I don't mind a good fight.

I fight for Americans. I
fight for you. Sue works three jobs to help pay the bills. Toni is a
schoolteacher, working toward her Master's Degree.

I fight for the
family of Matthew Stanley of Wolfboro, New Hampshire, who died serving our
country in Iraq.

I fight to restore the pride and principles of our
party. We were elected to change Washington, and we let Washington change us. We
lost their trust when rather than reform government, both parties made it
bigger. We're all God's children and we're all Americans. I will cut government

My tax cuts will create jobs.

Keeping taxes low helps
small businesses grow and create new jobs. Cutting the second highest business
tax rate in the world will help American companies compete and keep jobs from
moving overseas. Doubling the child tax exemption from $3500 to $7000 will
improve the lives of millions of American families. I know how the world works.

I'm running for President to keep the country I love safe, and prevent
other families from risking their loved ones in war as my family has. Senator
Obama does not.

I've been an imperfect servant of my country for many
years. Those men saved my life. I was my country's. My country saved me. My
country saved me, and I cannot forget it. Run for public office. Feed a hungry

I'm going to fight for my cause every day as your President.
Fight with me. Fight with me.

Fight for what's right for our country.

Fight for the ideals and character of a free people.

Fight for
our children's future.

Fight for justice and opportunity for all.

Stand up to defend our country from its enemies. We're Americans, and we
never give up.

Thank you, and God Bless you.

Sarah Palin, Republican National Convention

Full remarks from International Herald Tribune. Autosummarized to 10%.

I accept the call to help our nominee for president to serve and defend America.

I accept the challenge of a tough fight in this election... against confident opponents ... at a crucial hour for our country.

And I accept the privilege of serving with a man who has come through much harder missions ... and met far graver challenges ... and knows how tough fights are won - the next president of the United States, John S. McCain.

My family is proud of both of them and of all the fine men and women serving the country in uniform. I grew up with those people.

I came to office promising to control spending - by request if possible and by veto if necessary.

Our state budget is under control.

If our state wanted a bridge, we'd build it ourselves. We need American energy resources, brought to you by American ingenuity, and produced by American workers. America needs more energy ... our opponent is against producing it.

The Democratic nominee for president supports plans to raise income taxes ... raise payroll taxes ... raise investment income taxes ... raise the death tax ... raise business taxes ... and increase the tax burden on the American people by hundreds of billions of dollars. Our nominee doesn't run with the Washington herd.

He's a man who's there to serve his country, and not just his party.

There is only one man in this election who has ever really fought for you ... in places where winning means survival and defeat means death ... and that man is John McCain. For a lifetime, John McCain has inspired with his deeds.

Join our cause and help America elect a great man as the next president of the United States.

Thank you all, and may God bless America.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Barack Obama, Democratic National Convention address

Full remarks from CBS News. Autosummarized to 10%.

Tonight, more Americans are out of work and more are working harder for less.

Tonight, I say to the American people, to Democrats and Republicans and
Independents across this great land - enough! This moment - this election - is
our chance to keep, in the 21st century, the American promise alive. A nation of

Now, I don’t believe that Senator McCain doesn’t care
what’s going on in the lives of Americans.

It’s not because John McCain
doesn’t care. It’s because John McCain doesn’t get it. Out of work? No health

Well it’s time for them to own their failure. It’s time for us to
change America.

What is that promise?

Our government should work
for us, not against us.
Change means a tax code that doesn’t reward the
lobbyists who wrote it, but the American workers and small businesses who
deserve it.

Unlike John McCain, I will stop giving tax breaks to
corporations that ship jobs overseas, and I will start giving them to companies
that create good jobs right here in America.

I will cut taxes - cut
taxes - for 95% of all working families. I’ll make it easier for the American
people to afford these new cars.

America, now is not the time for small

Now is the time to finally keep the promise of affordable,
accessible health care for every single American. If you have health care, my
plan will lower your premiums.

Now is the time to help families with
paid sick days and better family leave, because nobody in America should have to
choose between keeping their jobs and caring for a sick child or ailing parent.

Individual responsibility and mutual responsibility - that’s the essence
of America’s promise.

And just as we keep our keep our promise to the
next generation here at home, so must we keep America’s promise abroad. If John
McCain wants to follow George Bush with more tough talk and bad strategy, that
is his choice - but it is not the change we need. I love this country, and so do
you, and so does John McCain.

So I’ve got news for you, John McCain. We
all put our country first.

America, our work will not be easy. This too
is part of America’s promise - the promise of a democracy where we can find the
strength and grace to bridge divides and unite in common effort. When Washington
doesn’t work, all its promises seem empty. Change comes to Washington.

America, this is one of those moments. Because I’ve lived it.

That promise is our greatest inheritance. America, we cannot turn back.
America, we cannot turn back. Let us keep that promise - that American promise -
and in the words of Scripture hold firmly, without wavering, to the hope that we

Thank you, God Bless you, and God Bless the United States of

Joe Biden, Democratic National Convention address

Full remarks from CBS News. Autosummarized to 10%.

Yes, I accept your nomination to run and serve alongside our next President of
the United States of America, Barack Obama.

Barack Obama gets it. Like
many of us, Barack worked his way up. His is a great American story. Barack
Obama could have done anything after he graduated from college. It’s dignity.

Because Barack made that choice, 150,000 more children and parents have
health care in Illinois.

We have the power to change it. That’s Barack
Obama, and that’s what he will do for this country. He’ll change it.

John McCain is my friend.

Barack Obama will deliver that change.
Barack Obama will reform our tax code. He’ll cut taxes for 95 percent of the
American people who draw a paycheck. That’s the change we need. Barack Obama and
I will end this neglect.

Now, despite being complicit in this
catastrophic foreign policy, John McCain says Barack Obama isn’t ready to
protect our national security.

John McCain was wrong. Barack Obama was

Again, John McCain was wrong. Barack Obama was right.

John McCain was wrong. Barack Obama was right.

Again and again,
on the most important national security issues of our time, John McCain was
wrong, and Barack Obama was proven right.

Our greatest presidents-from
Abraham Lincoln to Franklin Roosevelt to John Kennedy-they all challenged us to
embrace change. The American people are ready. Barack Obama is ready. This is
his time. This is our time. This is America’s time.

Monday, September 8, 2008


This is what happens when Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon is fed through MS Word's AutoSummarizer when it's set to summarize to 1% of the original. I've read this novel a couple dozen times and I still had a hard time following this summarization.

Summary: 4,092 words in 921 sentences
Original document: 409,122 words in 26,046 sentences

Lawrence asked a couple of times. Time just blazed by. "All right," Randy says. Avi sighs. "Right. Randy laughs.

Avi continues. Randy pays no attention to it.

Avi says.


Avi said.

"I guess so," Randy said. Randy didn't call him on it, though. Randy said. "I believe you, Avi," Randy said. Avi didn't hear him, so Randy assumed that meant yes. Randy went back into the restaurant. Goto Dengo's waving to him.

Shaftoe runs over and snatches it. A nice souvenir for Bobby Shaftoe.

Shaftoe wasn't a boxer. Shaftoe hollers. "Well, goddamn," Bobby Shaftoe says. Shaftoe bites his tongue. "Private Shaftoe! Shaftoe says blurrily. From time to time they host academic conferences. Randy begins typing. Inside Randy's computer is a precise clock. Randy is trying to generate one that is ridiculously long. Randy rests his tired hand. To Randy Waterhouse, it sounded like the beginnings of a pretty cool game. Randy read some and skimmed all. By the time Randy extricated himself from this conversation, his mind was reeling. "Sir! Sir!" Randy Waterhouse is in merely decent physical condition. Randy signed on as the head technologist. Randy could see where it was going. Randy finished the thought. Randy said.

Randy walks to it, doggedly. Sir? Tiny comets of pee strike Randy's pant legs. Randy always wears long pants no matter how hot it is.

Sometimes Randy walks along the top of the Spanish wall. "What's on your mind, Randy?"

"Lines of sight," Randy says.

"Long story. Shaftoe blacks out.

Shaftoe needs morphine. Shaftoe screams. "We have five minutes," Randy says.

"Randy Waterhouse," he says.

Amy Shaftoe," she says. Amy walks past Randy a couple of times, but avoids looking him in the eye. "Thanks for giving me the ride," Randy says.

Randy asks.

Randy infers that looking at big rusty boats is more interesting than talking to Randy.

Randy's a little nonplussed. Randy tries to be careful.

Randy sips his coffee. Randy hits the fast-forward. "Okay, good," Randy says, a little off balance. "Right."

Shaftoe says.

Something big descends towards Shaftoe. Shaftoe doesn't have to think very long. Shaftoe yells. Shaftoe's body is saturated with morphine. Shaftoe says.

Shaftoe says. "Sir! "Sir! "Sir! "Sir! Shaftoe says.

"Sir! Shaftoe begins.

"Sir! "Sir! "Sir! "Sir! "Sir! "Sir! "Sir! "Sir! "Sir! "Sir! "Sir! Do you follow me, Shaftoe?"

"Sir! An Annapolis man. Very good men. "Sir! Waterhouse says.

"I understand, sir," Waterhouse says.

"Clearly," Waterhouse says.

Waterhouse says. Randy's in no hurry to expose himself. Randy follow's her. Randy asks. Randy asks, looking at the photograph.

Randy hunches over and peers at it. Randy's nonplussed. Gold. "Thanks for the tour," Randy says. Randy says. "Why are you in business, Randy?" "Rui Faleiro was Magellan's cosmographer," Randy says.

"The brains of the operation," Randy says, tapping his head.

Doctor Kepler," Randy says. "Yes," Randy says cautiously.

Randy shook his head in disgust and amazement. "Never mind. Randy said. Right?"


Avi said. "Sex is more complicated than that, Randy. "Randy," he says. Medals clink together as he grips Randy's right hand and shakes it. "Don't be deceived, Randy," says Douglas MacArthur Shaftoe, "I'm not on active duty. Doug Shaftoe nods impassively. "Okay," Randy says. "Ah," Randy says. "Hmmmm," Randy says. "On one condition," Doug Shaftoe says.

Randy asks.

Waterhouse likes trains.

"Captain Waterhouse? "2702," Waterhouse says.

Waterhouse swallows. Waterhouse blurts. Shaftoe barges past him and heads straight for the building's exit, ignoring Ethridge's queries: "Shaftoe? Shaftoe opens his eyes and looks around.

"Blond," Shaftoe says.


"Sir! "Sir! Sir!"

Shaftoe says. "Sir! "Sir! "Twenty-six, sir!" responds Shaftoe crisply.

"Sir! Shaftoe says to Private Nathan.

Shaftoe clarifies. Shaftoe says. Bobby Shaftoe says.

Shaftoe hefts it and whistles. The chastened Shaftoe sets about his work. "Deal," Shaftoe says.

"I guess so," Shaftoe grumbles. Bobby Shaftoe asks.

Shaftoe shrugs. "Right! Shaftoe says.

For the first time, Shaftoe hazards movement. Shaftoe asks.

Shaftoe says. Shaftoe hears distant pocking noises. Root glances up and locks eyes with Shaftoe. Shaftoe holds his gaze for a long moment. Shaftoe nods imperceptibly, and Root's gaze softens.

Shaftoe nods. "Yeah," Shaftoe says.

Shaftoe glances away and nods. "Finux," Avi mumbles, answering Randy's unspoken question.

Randy types "Finux" and hits the return key. Randy says.

Randy raises his eyebrows.

"Those look new," Randy says. The sixth was Randy's Second Business Foray. Avi says. Randy breaks in. "We've already established a foothold there. Randy watches them squint and tilt their heads from side to side. Avi says. Randy does Internet, Eb does weird stuff, Beryl does money. Avi's nodding. Avi says. Waterhouse knows this perfectly well. Lawrence Waterhouse."

Waterhouse hands him the magic pass. "Right. "Howdy," Waterhouse says.

"If only we could!" Waterhouse says. Randy blurts, annoyed with himself. Both men laugh. "No," Randy answers. Goto fires back.

Goto says. Randy hesitates. Goto understands. "Leave me a message," Randy says. "Ministry of Information," Randy says.

Randy trails his hand along the wall. Randy says.

"Interlibrary loan," Randy says.

Randy begins to descend the steps.

Randy looks nervously at the ceiling. Randy asks. Tom says, laughing at the expression on Randy's face.

"Heavy, heavy deja vu," Randy says. "Yeah," Randy says, "I've seen this before."


Actually, Shaftoe doesn't mind this mission. Shaftoe is a grunt, and understands.

Bobby Shaftoe holsters his revolver. "Fuck me," Shaftoe exclaims.

If only Alan were here!

"Ma'am," Waterhouse says. Waterhouse turns to look at her. Waterhouse smiles. "Quite right, actually," Waterhouse says.

Waterhouse asks. Eventually the information reaches Randy's computer, which spews noise back. Randy declines to answer those messages just now.


Randy closes that one without responding. Randy opens up a terminal window and types

Scrolling down, Randy finds:

The key is stored on Randy's hard disk. The last time Randy changed his pass phrase, he was reading another World War II memoir. Nothing works.

Both men laugh.

Randy says, "You're looking encouragingly pale."

Randy laughs. So Randy decides to play devil's advocate. "Maybe it's in the business plan?" ventures Randy.

A year ago," admits Randy.

Randy changes the subject. My job's pretty simple," Randy says. Randy pauses and swigs Guinness, building the drama. Randy says. Randy considers it. Cantrell raises his eyebrows, a little worried about Randy's feelings. "It's true," Randy says. Randy says.

Randy asks.

"Well, at least he got something right," Randy says. If it's not moving, it's not working. Waterhouse says.

It swings five times, ten times, twenty. Waterhouse stands as if his feet were planted in mortar. Waterhouse says hopelessly.

Is it all right if I call you Lawrence?" Waterhouse essays.

"Well. "Lawrence? Shaftoe likes the sound of this. "Shaftoe! Shaftoe looks blank.

Shaftoe says, a little less certainly. Shaftoe looks at the crates. Shaftoe says indignantly.

Look, Shaftoe! Look! Shaftoe says. "Okay," Shaftoe said to the men. Many strafings have turned Bobby Shaftoe into a big flincher. "Sergeant Shaftoe!" says Root peremptorily. Shaftoe straightens up reflexively.

"Lieutenant Root!" Shaftoe is startled by this. "Fuck off," Shaftoe says.

"Absolutely," Shaftoe says.

"Sergeant Shaftoe? Monkberg's turn. Shaftoe asks.


"Right!" Shaftoe says.

"Lieutenant Root?" Shaftoe says.

"Yes, Sergeant Shaftoe?"

Root looks up into Shaftoe's eyes. Sergeant Shaftoe says.

"What is it now, Shaftoe?" Shaftoe says. "Sergeant Shaftoe!" Shaftoe returns.

Root insists.

"We are," Randy says.

"You're talking shareholderese," Randy warns.

Randy and John Cantrell exchange a look.

Randy says, getting to his feet.

Randy holds up his hands, palms out, in surrender.

An image from the Cold War comes into Randy's head. Eb looks slightly pained by Randy's simple-mindedness. Avi has known Randy forever, and knows that Randy won't really be bothered by what is to come.

All eyes turn towards Randy, and Beryl picks up the thread. "I accept that," Randy says. Randy says, "I was afraid of that."

Finally Randy stands, and holds out his hands as if warding them off. Clever Avi! "Okay," Randy says. Avi says.

Randy asks.

"Oh, shit," Randy says.

"I don't think so," Randy says. "Got it," Randy says, and zips up. Waterhouse says puckishly. Shaftoe follows a few moments later.

Sergeant Shaftoe says. German. Then Shaftoe turns and leaves Waterhouse alone in the cabin.

Sergeant Shaftoe says. The problem is with Bobby Shaftoe's brain.

Shaftoe hollers. Shaftoe turns right. Shaftoe smells electricity. Dear Randy,

"Good morning, Mr. Waterhouse! Randy counts three women and two men. Randy asks.

Avi says. All eyes turn to Randy. Randy blurts.

Avi says. Randy asks.

I don't remember," Randy says. "Not to worry," Randy says, "I jammed it."

Eb asks, not catching the irony in Randy's voice. "I was joking," Randy explains. Encrypted messages," Waterhouse says. "Breaking the code, Waterhouse?" "Waterhouse! Waterhouse asks blankly. Waterhouse says. "No," Waterhouse says. "Well! Randy scoffs. "I'm impressed," Randy says. Now Randy is starting to remember this guy. "Probably both," Randy guesses. Randy bends and looks too. Randy pulls his chair back and falls into it. Randy looks at Cantrell, who's nodding slyly.

Randy can't believe he's hearing this. Randy knows several people who worked and studied with him during those years. Randy's attention wanders. Randy begins looking around the table.

As usual, Randy cannot remember his name. Goto Dengo looks away.

This time Goto Dengo watches it carefully. Like Shaftoe. Kepler's just as surprised as Randy. What can Randy do right now to enhance shareholder value? Randy doesn't have to write that stuff. Randy fires up the software. "Yeah," Randy lies.

Kepler turns around and gives Randy a searching look. Can we compete against them, Randy?"

Waterhouse says.

Waterhouse is not offended. Randy opens the door. "You got that right," Randy says. "Oh," Randy says, "Tom Howard's room is right next door?"

Randy asks.

Randy's heard of this product. Randy asks, and Cantrell says, "Yes," without even turning around. Randy clicks on RIST 9E03 and gets

Randy uses it.

Randy says.

Randy asks.

By the time Goto Dengo reaches him, he is stone dead.

Goto Dengo falls off the house.

wonders Shaftoe. Shaftoe says.

Shaftoe asks. Shaftoe asks Root.

"Lieutenant Enoch Root."

"We need a new category," Randy said. Randy,

Randy asks.


Randy figures there's no better time to ask this question. Randy says.

"Dilemma," Randy says.

"Right. Randy asks Tom Howard.

Randy asks.

At the same time Randy grins, he senses someone's stare. So Randy stares right back into Prag's black eyes, and grins. Avi sighs. Randy says.

Everyone looks at Randy. "Just an educated guess," Randy says, shaking his head. "Randy's right," Avi says. Randy asks.

Dönitz: Nice work, Bischoff! "The Holocaust," Randy says dutifully.

Randy asks.

The Aztecs can go fuck themselves, Randy! You know what those fucking Aztecs did, Randy?"

Randy uses his hands to squeegee away sweat from his face. "Avi?"

Avi scoffs. "Human nature doesn't change, Randy. Randy sits and ponders for a while. I haven't even started," Randy says.

Avi blinks. Randy says testily, meaning Yes, of course. "I got e-mail from Doug Shaftoe a few days ago," Randy says. "No, no, no," Randy says. Same basic idea," Randy says. Randy keeps talking. Doug Shaftoe is one of those people. "Right. "Right. "I assumed wrong," Randy admits. Avi says.

On personal honor," Randy says. "Damn, Randy! "The answer can only be Douglas MacArthur Shaftoe," Randy says. Shaftoe is lost now. "Fuck you," Shaftoe says.

"Good work. Root suggests.

Shaftoe says.

The man rolls over, exposing his back to Shaftoe. Shaftoe mulls it over. Shaftoe's desperate. Gold. "Not petty cash," Shaftoe says. For god's sake, Shaftoe! Long silence.

Shaftoe shouts. Fuck you and your mother if I did," Shaftoe says.

Shaftoe asks.

Shaftoe hears the word morphium several times. First, Shaftoe addresses Bischoff. "Shoot," Shaftoe says.

Shaftoe's never felt better. "Shit," Shaftoe says.


Big deal. Shaftoe shrugs. Shaftoe chuckles delightedly. It doesn't work. From:

Randall Lawrence Waterhouse



Randy asks. Noting Randy's interest, Doug Shaftoe squats alongside it to point out the features. "Clear!" shouts Amy Shaftoe, sounding rather impatient.

Randy says.

Randy's calculator watch beeps twice. "Randy?" Randy is speechless for a while.

"Right. Doug and Randy look at the TV screen. A bomber," Randy says. "Looks pretty crusty," Randy says.

Randy says.

"Why isn't it lying flat, Randy?"

"My god," says Douglas MacArthur Shaftoe. "Well, here's to it," Randy says.

Goto Dengo says.

"Oh," Goto Dengo says.

Goto Dengo shouts back.

"Thank you," Goto Dengo says. "I'll chop more," Shaftoe says. "Manila," Bobby Shaftoe says, "if she's even still alive."

Now Bobby Shaftoe is dead for sure. Why doesn't Randy have a diving plan?




"Randy?" says Doug Shaftoe, and beckons him into his wardroom.

Randy checks them out. Randy bends over and peers at it. Randy asks, wiggling his fingers into the gloves.


"No doubt," Waterhouse says.


Waterhouse asks.

Shaftoe says. "Gold," says Shaftoe, quietly.

"Right!" Randy goes into his living room with it. Now, with a flake-type of cereal, Randy's strategy would never work. To:


Dear Randy,

Randy shrugs. "Was your grandfather a crypto guy, Randy?" Randy is really racking his brain now. Waterhouse gets a tour. Shaftoe covers his face. Waterhouse. Shaftoe asks. Shaftoe says. Shaftoe asks.

Sergeant Shaftoe can be--"

Shaftoe snorts. Root freezes.

Shaftoe says. Randall Lawrence Waterhouse

Randall Lawrence Waterhouse

Shaftoe can't believe himself. Shaftoe recognizes him, and he recognizes Shaftoe, at the same moment. Shaftoe says. Shaftoe asks again. Shaftoe says.

Shaftoe can't imagine worse.

"Germans. German."

Shaftoe hollers disgustedly. "Okay," Shaftoe mutters.

Shaftoe continues. "Right." "I understand," Shaftoe says. Root exclaims. Shaftoe's pretty good at foresight. "God will know," Shaftoe says.

"Let's go, then," Shaftoe says.

Shaftoe consults the instructions. Shaftoe kills him. "Right," Shaftoe says, and leaves the room.

"Display some fucking adaptability," Shaftoe says. "Manila!?"

Waterhouse seeks happiness. Big room. Finally, Waterhouse places that accent. Waterhouse nods. Waterhouse looks; it's Mary. Waterhouse nods.

Goto Dengo tries again:

Time to change the subject. "Yes, it does," Randy says.

Avi asks.

Randy asks.


"We are bankers," Randy says. "Gold? "Well. Consider it a cry for help," Randy says. Avi stops and straightens, as if pulled up short. Amy Shaftoe."

"It all hangs together," Randy says.

Yeah," Randy says.

"Thank you, Randy."

Randy opens his eyes from out of a sliding nightmare. Randy laughs. Randy laughs with surprising heartiness.

"If I'd known--Jesus. "Well . . ."


"Absolutely right. Randy sighs.

Randy can do nothing but roll his eyes. Randy feels quizzical and mildly irritated. "Never mind."

Randy says reasonably.

Randy sighs.

"Chow time!"

Randy!" says America Shaftoe. Randy asks. Lieutenant Goto bows. Goto Dengo says. COMPUTER

"Assertions," Waterhouse says. "Correction, Waterhouse," Comstock says. Waterhouse says. Waterhouse shrugs. Running over people's feet. Waterhouse looks a little defensive. Waterhouse asks.

Waterhouse asks.

Waterhouse says brightly. "The RAM," Waterhouse says. Waterhouse says. "Hmmm," Waterhouse says. Waterhouse asks brightly.

I'll show it to you," Randy says. Randy says, not getting this last bit.

To Randy it's just been aimless ventilating. Randy still has some money. "How long?"

Randy, my family sticks together. "Amy, Amy. "The Shaftoe mailing list."

Randy says, slapping himself in the face. "So tell me about your family, Randy."

"What's an electronic banknote look like, Randy?"

"Not if you have good crypto," Randy says. Randy laughs. Randy demands.

Shaftoe starts tailing flyboys. "It's a trick question," Shaftoe says. Shaftoe says.

Shaftoe swallows hard and thinks fast. Shaftoe flinches.

Shaftoe guns it across the runway. Shaftoe falters. Shaftoe swings wide around it. "All right, back up the hill, Shaftoe!"

Shaftoe's a bit off balance now. "Go there, Bobby Shaftoe!" says The General. Randy nods almost imperceptibly. "It is actually shockingly difficult," Randy says. "That has no impact mathematically," Randy whispers.

Randy nears the steamed-up Impala. Randy rejoins his aunt at the Origin. High-tech is a small town," Randy says.

Robin Shaftoe is already running towards them. Aunt Nina says, "How about you, Randy? Goto Dengo gawks. Goto Dengo grins. Goto Dengo turns to see if Ninomiya is joking. "Of course he would," Randy says.

"I am sorry if I make you feel bad sometimes," Randy says. Randy gets embarrassed.

Randy catches his eye and asks, "Chester?"

"Hey, Randy."

"Amy hasn't seen the articles," Randy says.

"Oh! Randy and Amy follow Chester into his house. Randy already knows what it is. "It's like a resource to them," Randy guesses.

"Hai!" answers Goto Dengo. Goto Dengo turns on some electric lights as well. To:


"I doubt it," Randy says. Gives me the creeps," Randy says. "Gollum," Randy says.

Avi says.

Avi laughs.

Randy says. "Oh, come on, Randy. Randy says. Randy says. "Oh, Randy, it's not about that. Randy throws back his head and laughs.

Because we are badass, Randy. Avi nods.

"Right. Randy grins. Randy nods. "That works. Randy asks.

"If I do, it's encrypted."

Avi asks. Randy says.

Randy's nodding. "The most cigarettes," Randy says. Randy notices that his stride is longer now. "I detect some resentment in your voice, Randy."


"Right. No paper trail there," Randy says. "Never?"

"Never. "I'm against it," Randy says. "It almost certainly is," Randy says. "Avi, it's full of fucking gold bars," Randy says.

Avi says. "It is make-or-break," Randy agrees.

"Hi, Avi? "Hi, Avi? "Randy, get this through your head. Goto Dengo says. Waste of time!"

"Orders," Goto Dengo says. Goto Dengo says. Randy barely has time to read the bumper sticker: MEAN PEOPLE SUCK.

Randy opens a terminal window and types

A bunch of junk scrolls up Randy's screen. Randy truncates the commercial message with the whack of a key, and logs in as Randy. Besides, time is running low. Randy shouts.

Bruce falters and looks over in Randy's direction. "Randy," he says.

Randy types:


Randy looks over toward the old van. Randy sighs. "We're going to Israel, Randy. So Randy dials the number for Douglas MacArthur Shaftoe's GSM telephone. "It's Randy. On a plane," says Randy. "Randy! Nothing at all," Randy says. "What troubles are those, Randy?"

Randy is certain he's never heard this voice before. The man laughs. "You should be a billionaire, Randy. "Well done, Randy."

"It's true," Randy says. Randy cannot even remember ever uttering the word "Arethusa." "Chester's got this retired ETC engineer working on his card machinery," Randy says. Called me from the cellphone on his boat, Randy."

"Why? Randy says, kind of awed. "You're welcome, Randy. Bobby Shaftoe sheds his sandals. Douglas MacArthur Shaftoe."

Shaftoe asks. "Good to see you, John," Randy says.

"You too, Randy," John says, and each man averts his eyes shyly.

Randy stops. "Oh, that's great," Randy says. Randy asks.

Randy asks.


The question sounds a little querulous to Randy. Randy: (1) Lawsuit & whether Epiphyte can continue to exist. Ordo computer room door.

"Wow," Randy says. Good evening, Randy."

Randy asks Tom.

"Nice job, Randy." He lumbers forward and shakes Randy's hand. "Let's talk out here," Randy says. Randy changes the subject. Doug looks up and eyes Randy carefully. Randy senses everyone's looking at him. Randy wonders.


"Right!" Right?" "Right. "I have bad news," Randy says. You can do this," Randy says. "Randy!" Randy jokes.



"I have no idea," Randy says.

Randy snorts. "Ho-ly shit," Randy says.

Randy takes a long, deep breath. Goto Dengo nods. Randy steps into the lane. Randy shrugs. That pocket was empty," Randy says.

Shaftoe grins appreciatively. Shaftoe's head is clearing now. Shaftoe snorts. Someone hands Shaftoe a cigarette, already lit. Then, Shaftoe remembers. Shaftoe says. Shaftoe says. Shaftoe asks him. Randy's ready for it. Attorney Alejandro decides to act as if Randy has never made this last comment. Randy's feeling better already.

"I can't imagine," Randy says.

Randy says. Randy says.

"I hear you," Randy says. "Let me ask you this," Randy says. "I didn't think so," says Randy. "Avi?"

Randy says.

"No! Randy demands.

Randy mutters. No dress this time. It's all a part of you, Randy. Shaftoe risks rising to a crouch. Shaftoe looks up. Goto Dengo says. "Fuck that," Shaftoe says. Right?"

Shaftoe says. Goto Dengo says. Shaftoe says. "Shaftoe. . . Shaftoe! SHAFTOE!" he says.

"Pardon my manners, sir," Shaftoe says, turning sideways. "Sir, my friend Goto Dengo. "Shaftoe will get us there. Goto Dengo says. Shaftoe finds MacArthur and Goto Dengo first, and excuses himself. "I understand that, sir," Shaftoe says.

"I'll be right back," Shaftoe says.

"Where are you going, Shaftoe?"

Randy said. Randy mumbled through cotton.

The filing cabinet is evidently meant to serve as Randy's work table. Randy fires up the laptop just to prove that it still works. "Randy Waterhouse," he says.

Randy echoes, feeling and probably sounding rather stupid.

"Fifty-four," Randy muses. Shaftoe hollers. Bobby Shaftoe has landed. "Randy."

"Thank you," Randy says. Randy asks.

Randy guesses he's intended to play stupid. Enoch Root nods. Root nods. Randy pretends to daub sauce off his beard.

"Greater love hath no man," Randy says. "I was sure that you would, Randy."

Randy asks.

Randy asks, squinting.

"I was trained as an astronomer," Randy says. Randy asks.

How does that work, Randy?"

"Let's face it, Randy, we've all known guys like Ares. "Oh, come now, Randy! Randy doesn't.

WATERHOUSE, perhaps. "Australian currency," Waterhouse says.

"If the Nips had won..." Waterhouse says, and shrugs. So Randy does that. "Oh, Randy, you know what I mean."

Randy asks, kind of rhetorically. Just stop," Randy says. "Obviously," Randy says.

Randy arches his back and stretches. Consequently Wing knows that Randy has Arethusa. Waterhouse replaces them. Waterhouse does. Randy goes back to work with the pencil eraser. "Tell me about wires," Randy says.

"Of course I do," Randy says. "That it's like nuclear war," Randy says. Avi says. Light dawns in Randy's mind. "The world doesn't work that way anymore, Randy. Avi shrugs. Avi shrugs. Randy blurts. "Wing's digging for gold in Bundok," Randy says. Avi says. Randy asks.

"I'm with you," Randy says. "What old man?"

"Right! "Rudy's system?"

Time's up. "How did Shaftoe die?"


Avi meets Randy in the hotel lobby. There's a brief exchange of small talk that goes right over Randy's head. Randy and Avi get the girl menus, with no prices. Avi asks.

Much time. "A hole," Randy ventures, after much uncomfortableness.

Goto Dengo chuckles. Randy says. Randy says, "Goto Engineering is a distinguished company. Avi grins. "If I may," Avi says. "Better than that," Randy says. "Yes," Randy says.

Goto Dengo starts writing. Randy holds out his card, numbers facing down, and Goto Dengo holds out his. Randy cups Goto-sama's card in his palm and turns it into the light. Finally Avi says something that Randy doesn't hear. Randy shrugs. "Everyone doesn't know," Randy says. Randy and Avi look into their cups. Randy and Avi do--a bit nervously. "It's stupid," Randy says.

Goto Dengo nods solemnly. Goto Dengo raises his eyebrows. It's the deepest bow Randy's ever seen. Goto Dengo turns his head to look into Root's eyes. Goto Dengo asks.

Goto Dengo asks. Goto Dengo shudders. Goto Dengo shakes his head. Goto Dengo says, "Educated men created this cemetery."

Goto Dengo sighs. Enoch Root stares mercilessly into Goto Dengo's tormented face. Randy wonders if they could have done this any more conspicuously. Randy smokes a cigarette. "Close the door," Amy says, and Randy does. Randy's life is essentially complete at the moment. Randy's toe knuckles pop audibly. Nothing more," Randy says.


"I know where we are going, Randy." Randy asks kind of hotly.

"Goto Dengo told me."

Doug Shaftoe's laughing. Randy says.

Doug Shaftoe says, "You're right. Randy says, "This is it." Waterhouse is their enemy.

Waterhouse exclaims. Waterhouse asks.

Waterhouse laughs.

Waterhouse jokes.

"Lawrence!" Waterhouse laughs. Randy involuntarily looks towards Amy. "Well, I should hope so," Randy says. "Big. "Randy, don't do that," says Doug Shaftoe. "Amy's been shot with an arrow," Randy says.

Amy shows Randy the palm of one hand. "I love you," Randy says. "Oh, Jesus Christ," Doug Shaftoe says. "It wasn't fired by a Huk," Randy says. Finally, Randy's there. Randy says. "Not one of your better ideas, Randy!" Enoch Root ignores him, squats down at Randy's feet and begins probing.

Randy turns around and looks at Amy. Something's moving in the corner of Randy's eye. "Right. Waterhouse shrugs it off. For the first time, now, Waterhouse gets it. Waterhouse chuckles. Waterhouse shrugs. Goto Dengo blanches. "Only if they decrypt those old messages," Waterhouse says.

"Only if they have them," Waterhouse says.

Goto Dengo is shocked, horrified. "Rudy? Rudy?"